Friday, September 23, 2011

Hi all:
I thought that I had it bad here, but after reading Dick's email from Kabul I think my life is great.   Today I had taxi cabs aim at me, yell at me, spit on me, honk at me, but no one shot at me.
A bus side swiped me, a bicycle rear ended me, I ran over a guys foot, came a gnat's hair from rear ending a lady who suddenly stopped in front of me.  (my brakes don't work as good as hers) and 6 cars ran a red light in front of me while I was trying to cross the street on my bike.   I still never got shot at.
I ate some food that makes dick's rations sound great, slept on a bed that was worse than concrete, got ate by mosquitoes all night, tried for two hours to get my email up, tried to make a telephone call, only to find out that my phone service was shut off, got called in by dean from the college of physics and given two more classes to teach.   I never even took physics, let alone taught it, and by the way they are PHD students.  Boy, life is good here.
Ran out of water, the toilet only flushes when it feels like it, my curtains in the apartment don't close, so night time the world sees in,  my only towel fell in the bath tub, the towel rack (which was held on by duct tape) fell off the wall and I found that I had to put a bucket full of water in the toilet to get it to flush.   Life is sure good here.
The television only works in Chinese, had 100 year old egg sandwiches for lunch.  Yikes  When you turn the air conditioning on the heat comes on and when the people upstairs in the apartment above us flush their toilet, it feels like an atomic bomb or an earth quake down here where we are.  A pizza here is a piece of bread with cauliflower, brussel sprouts and Parmesan cheese sprinkled on it, lightly.  It doesn't even kill the taste of the vegetables.  Man I like this place.
My text books are all in Chinese with English sub titles,  the holes in all of the side walks are not OSHA approved, cars and bikes going down a one way street the wrong way is OK. fish, snakes, and frogs jumping out of the water tanks onto the floor at the super market and two Chinese ladies slugging it out on the street corner.
Well, just another day in China.   It is nice to hear from each of you and hope you are all doing well.  China is great.   My love to each of you.

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